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Thursday, September 1, 2011

With God all things are possible because of this we can pray for our child

Jeremiah 32:27
King James Version (KJV)

27Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Father in heaven i know the answer to this many times i become weary on praying i feel like Moses my arms get heavy and as my arms are not held up the enemy is moving in you told us not to be weary in well doing we are in battle we must fight a good fight so our enemy that is so full of lies and deceit tricks will not have control of our life i was praying hard and long for my child until one day i had a man that discouraged me from praying he thought i spent to much time with you then the battle was lost the enemy got a strong hold over my child but today i know you are more than able to do above and beyond according to your will to command the enemy to keep his hands off your child that belongs to you.Keep me stong in the faith let me fight a good fight let not the cares of the world like computers sewing shopping or any other worldly pleasure question you to say lovest these more than me?
the enemy is seeking whom he may devour let it not be my children that you entrusted to me keep my arms up that i will continue to fight as i know you were given me the child to train for you for the sakes of the next generation you have a reputation of answering prayers and meeting needs i ask that the needs of my child to be free from the chains of the enemy and to be removed.thank you for hearing my prayer and the work that you are about to do as i look back at this blog as a reminder of how great and powerful of a God i serve. In Jesus name Amen

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