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Friday, August 19, 2011

A prayer for the rebellous one Discpline starts in the high chair not the electric chair

Dear Heavenly Father
You love my child more than anyone could love him people that have not experienced the rebellion of a child has no idea the pain and sorrow it causes and the joy it robs the heart.I know through your word sin is reaped because of our fathers and fore fathers.The only way to break this chain of rebellion is through prayer and maybe even fasting if i take your word for salvation how foolish it would be not to take your council for training the child that belongs to you that you entrusted me with to train for your honor and glory.The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.In this rebellous generation of cell phones,computers,tv,newspapers,magazines,books, schools its much harder to train my child especially when the authorities call the beatings of the rod is abuse where as you taught us to correct a child would give us rest and the beating will drive the foolishness out of the childs heart as well as keep his soul out of hell a child left to himself will bring a mother shame
.Most churches today do not have the boldness to teach the truth.I Know if i was to open my recipe book and it told me to beat the ingredients in order for the recipe to be a success i would follow instructions but yet when it comes to your instruction book the kjv 1611 the true word that could not and can not be destoyed the most powerful book in the world our fore fathers gave their life for people don`t want to follow.I ask for your wisdom as I open up your word that i will follow the truth that one day I may look back at this prayer and be reminded you are my God that keeps his promises a God that cannot lie.So today i place in your hands my child and i surrender my will for training and wisdom to your will and wisdom.i thank you for what you have done in my childs life and what you will do in the Jesus name amen

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